Liebe Gäste,


wenn Sie auf einer anderen Website unsere Zimmer zu einem günstigeren Preis finden, als bei einer Direktbuchung, dann kontaktieren Sie uns gern diesbezüglich. Sie erhalten nach Prüfung natürlich auch bei uns den aktuell günstigsten Preis.

Herzliche Grüße

das Team der Pension "La Casa dei Colori"




In furnishing our new double rooms and our family room, we focussed completely on achieving a feeling of complete harmony and on the well-being of our guests.

Our rooms have thus been designed tastefully and with a loving attention to detail. They are created to stimulate all the senses of the people staying in them and yet to encourage relaxation – each one of them is an oasis of peace, where guests can unwind after an exciting, tiring day full of new impressions.

We have consciously chosen the different colours in our rooms so that you will feel at home here. We will be happy to take your preferences for a particular colour into account when you make your booking whenever possible!